8th Grade Counselor
Email: dhart@judsonisd.org
Qualifications: BS in Interdisciplinary Studies from Tarleton State University Master of Education in Guidance and Counseling from San Angelo State University Guidance and Counseling Certificate EC-12
Ms. Dawn Hart
Letters: A-R
Hi Everyone my name is Dawn Hart and I am so happy to join the Flyers this school year. I have two children, Jordin 17 and Joselyn 14. We have lived in San Antonio for six years and I have been a counselor in JISD for that time period. I was the counselor at Olympia Elementary for two years and I am so excited to say that I have seen so many of my students from Olympia here at Kitty Hawk. It is truly amazing to see how much they have grown and changed, but have also remained the same in a great way! For the past four years I was a counselor at Wagner High School, so I went from Elementary straight to high school, which was a huge change but a great one that I really enjoyed and now I get to experience the in between. 😊
I look forward to working with all of the students, parents and teachers at Kitty Hawk and hope to have a great school year!